Playing Clozemaster
- How can I create a collection via CSV or TSV upload?
- How do I "master" something?
- How can I change my language pairing selection?
- How do I enable/disable sound effects?
- How do I change the review interval settings in the app?
- How do I change my email?
- How do I change "ignored" sentences to "100% mastered?"
- How do I enable/disable the manual master/reset confirmation popup?
- How do I translate multiple-choice words while using the app?
- How do I enable/disable voice?
- How do points work?
- How do I unsubscribe from daily reminder emails?
- When I add sentences one by one, I need to choose a word to put between curly braces. Is there a way to do that faster?
- How can I see the translations for all the multiple choice words?
- How do I select Text Input mode?
- How do I add sentences to the "do not review" category?
- How do I play the listening mode?
- How do I turn On/Off "Automatically Show Sentence After First Listen" when playing with the listening skill?
- How do I see my round history?
- How to use sentence lists