How can I create a collection via CSV or TSV upload?

Go through the following steps to create a collection via CSV or TSV upload.

  1. Create a CSV (comma-separated values) or TSV (tab-separated values) file.
  2. Be sure the file extension is either CSV or TSV.
  3. Go to your Dashboard for the language you're learning.
  4. Switch to the Collections panel.

  5. Click the down facing arrow button on "Custom Collections", and then click the "Create" option

  6. Customize the new collection as you please.

  7. You'll see this new custom collection inside your custom lists (Inside the collection menu). Now you'll be able to add sentences by clicking the options button, and then choosing "Add Sentences".

    Then select UPLOAD FILE.

  8. Select the file and click SUBMIT.


Notice that we have the followings instructions as a pop-up before submitting your file.

  1. It's super important to have the after the sentence.

  2. Separating "fields" by commas, as per above instructions, but leave no space between the comma and the previous and next character. (Example "HOLA,hello")

  3. Make all the content a single cell text line.

  4. Do not end the line with any punctuation sign, or character other than a regular letter.

  5. The most important thing is making sure that the target and base language are correct. If you input sentences in any other language, the system won't recognize them.

Here's an example on how every line/ sentence should look.

HOLA, ME LLAMO ERNESTO*,Hi,my name is Ernesto,name,ola me yamo ernesto,nada

In this case, the system recognizes the original sentence (Before the *) has a comma "Hi, my name is Ernesto". Hence, why you see more commas that in the example test line, as it will also "isolate" the comma for the sentence translation.

If you follow these guidelines, you will see the sentences in an "edit" view before saving them inside the collection.

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