How can I create a collection via CSV or TSV upload?

Follow the following steps to create a collection via CSV or TSV upload.
  1. Create a CSV (comma-separated values) or TSV (tab-separated values) file.
  2. Be sure the file extension is either CSV or TSV.
  3. Go to your Dashboard for the language you're learning.
  4. Click the Create button in the Cloze-Collections panel and create a collection.
  5. Click the + button next to your newly created collection.
  6. Select From a CSV/TSV.
  7. Select your file and file type, then click Submit.
  8. Processing may take a few minutes!
  9. Edit the sentences and/or add translations.
  10. Click Save.


  • Format is: Sentence*,Translation,Cloze,Pronunciation,Note.
  • Five columns, the sentence is mandatory. If Cloze is provided, the first matching Cloze in Sentence will be used as the cloze word. Otherwise, a cloze word will be automatically selected for each sentence.
  • If the sentence contains commas, please be sure to wrap it in quotes, "".
  • Anki and Readlang cloze formats are supported.
  • You can edit sentences and choose different cloze words after uploading and before saving.

Here are images demonstrating importing a CSV with a single sentence.

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