How to use sentence lists
Sentence lists were designed to help users master a new language through contextually grouped sentences.
For each sentence, you’ll have a high-quality audio recording of its pronunciation, and each list contains a series of sentences centered around a common theme or topic, such as animals, places, hobbies, and pretty much day-to-day phrases that might come in handy for casual conversations.
Grouping sentences by real-life contexts, and emphasizing correct pronunciation, sentence lists enable learners to understand and use new words and phrases naturally and effectively. This focus on pronunciation, rather than grammar, enhances vocabulary retention, improves speaking confidence, and can help you accelerate your comprehension.
Our goal with this tool was to make learning more intuitive and enjoyable.
You can access sentence lists for the available languages by:
· Opening the Clozemaster website ( )
· Inside the main page, scroll all the way down.
· You’ll see a list of all the currently available language for the lists function.
· After clicking the preferred list, you’ll be redirected to a new page.
· You can click “Go” on the lists of your choice, and you’ll then be presented a list of original sentences, their translation, and a high-quality recording of its pronunciation.
You’ll also be able to add these sentences to one of your custom collections in the target language.
In case you have any questions regarding this process, or couldn’t find what you were looking for, please, email our support via